Not all those who wander are lost.

The magical button

So here is a long overdue update. Sorry for the quiet. It was a stressful time, healthwise and professionally. There's a classical question in the trans* community: If there was a magical button that you…

I can't believe I'm finally on hormones!

Photo by Roberto Sorin / Unsplash The headline is shamelessly stolen from Mia. But yes, I started HRT exactly one month ago. To be specific, I use: Recently I was asked: how long do you…

Some unexpected discoveries

Photo by Martin Neuhold / Unsplash So … I now had two appointments with the main therapist of the doctor's practice and I'll get an indication letter. Normally this would have only required one appointment…

There and back again

Last week I had an appointment with the main therapist of the doctor's office I'm visiting. She will be the one will write the indication to get to HRT. Her plan was to ask for…

Things are getting serious ...

I'm now seeing a psychtherapist since May 2021 for roughly once a month. I don't have any mental problems … well, maybe but not related to my gender or sexuality πŸ˜… but this is one…