About this site

Update: migrated the website from Ghost to Publii for easy and fun. This way I lost your subscriptions. I'm sorry that I currently can't offer a subscription/notification service.

Update 2: this site now has comments! Since Publii is a static site generator and I currently don't have the capacity to setup a self hosted system I will use GraphComments. GraphComments is a French company, so European GDPR/DSGVO regulations apply.

About me
I'm (at the moment of this writing) 56 years old person from Germany. I was assigned male at birth (amab for short) and I'm transgender panromantic ace nonbinary femme of center. Oooff, that's a lot of jargon for one sentence. Let's decode:

  • transgender: My identity is not congruent with my assigned gender at birth. I explicitly don't use the phrase "I identify as" because it's not about a declaration but about facts.
  • ace: stands for 'asexual', in my case greysexual, a term for someone not competely asexual but does not derive great pleasure from physical actions. This does not mean that I'm not attracted to other people. I just very rarely feel the urge to get ... physical :) (I'm sorry I use the ellipsis and smileys a lot)
  • panromantic: I can feel attracted to people without taking their gender or genitals into account :)
  • nonbinary: I'm neither male nor female. Gender is not a linear spectrum but sort of a landscape. So I'm not "somewhere in the middle between male and female" but just different. Also I don't put a dash in between non and binary because this would confirm that there actually is something like a gender binary.
  • femme of center: This is a term also quite new to me. It means that my gender expression (how I like to look like using clothes, hair, nail polish, makeup etc.) leans quite a lot to the female side. So why do I not just say I'm a trans* woman? Would be much easier, right? Nope. Because I don't feel like a woman. Maybe it's a form of imposter syndrome ("I never will achieve this goal ..."), maybe something else. I'll work this out over time I gues ... But for short you also can say femme.

So what does all mean? My pronouns are they/them. I dress mostly in clothes attributed to women. In Germany there is no traditional equivalent for they/them and I personally don't like neo pronouns like xie/xer.

Do's and Dont's
Let me clear up some things:

  • We can talk about nearly everything.
  • We can not discuss the validity of transgender people and their claim of rights. Yes this includes bathrooms.
  • We can not talk about if I had or will have "the surgery" for two reasons: first there is no such thing but a lot of options. Second is that if we do discuss what's under my skirt you can be bloody sure I'll ask you about your genitals. Quite inappropriate topic, huh?
